How do I renew my domain name?
Just pay the renewal invoice and the domain will be automatically renewed. You will receive your renewal invoice 14 days before the expiration date.
When you register a domain name, be sure to update the Whois information to contain your email. Later, when it is time to renew, you will get an email reminder.
If you do not want to rely on email, you can perform a Whois search for your domain, and check the expiration date.
IMPORTANT: HDWEBPROVIDER™ domains can be managed via your account..
By default, your domain is set to auto-renew. (My Account, Domains, Manage Domains, Auto-Renew). When auto-renew is enabled, you will receive your renewal invoice 14 days before the expiration date. Just pay the renewal invoice and the domain will be automatically renewed. If the invoice is not paid, the domain will not be auto renewed.
You can also disable domain autorenewal. This way the invoice will not be generated.
Other registrars: Before your domain expiration date, you must contact the company where you bought the domain name (the registrar). Tell them which domain name you want to renew, and they will help.