Using Western Union / Moneygram to pay web hosting, reseller hosting and domain registration is acceptable.
Do not send HDWEBPROVIDER™ a test question or require us to verify additional information. If you do, we will not take the Western Union and will permanently ban you from using this form of payment.
You may pay using Western Union by sending payments of $100.00 or more to: HDWEBPROVIDER™ Sales Deparment
Anything less than a $100 will not be accepted. After your payment has been sent, please email with the following information:
What is the Money Transfer Control Number? (MTCN)
What is the EXACT dollar amount sent? (Do not send less than $100 or we will not take it.)
What is your first name?
What is your last name?
What is your middle name?
What is your telephone number?
What city is the money sent from?
What state is the money sent from?
What Country is the money sent from?
Make sure you email with all of the above information. If you are an existing client, please include your domain name with us in the email. If you are a new client looking to get your account setup, please include the plan you want, desired username, domain and password.
We are very sorry we must be so strict with Western Union transfers, but we cannot accept payments below $100. Also note that Western Union payments are non-refundable. If you request a refund, the payment will be added as credit to your hosting account.
How can I pay with Western Union? Print
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